It’s Vidya’s ethical approach that combines respect, knowledge and quality control to provide high quality sustainable ingredients for a better world.

Based on 3 principles :

Respect for people and nature

Knowledge of the ingredient.

Control of the critical points of the supply chain.


Humans are part of nature, and we believe that taking care of nature starts with taking care of humans. We are deeply convinced that good working and living conditions for our farmers and employees are the first necessary steps towards respecting nature. This equal respect for man and nature results in sustainable and quality products.


The identity of an ingredient is determined by its origin and traceability in the field to the finished product, by its composition and complete characterization in active compounds, and finally by its function, which speaks volumes about its health benefits. The perfect knowledge and control of these characteristics are a high quality guarantee.


Finally, Full iD™ means “identification” of critical points that threaten the supply chain in the global market. For each ingredient, we analyze which are its critical points (e.g. adulteration, contamination, diseases…) and implement concrete measures and control points that go beyond the regulations to offer our customers the guarantee that our products are not affected by these problems.